Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Few Snapshots!

These are just a few pictures from the week!

This is a picture of Jackson watching Baby Einstein in his room. First of all, his optometrist says babies shouldn't even watch tv before the age of two- so I don't think she would approve of this picture. Secondly, I promise I would never let him sit that close to the tv, but it was the only way to get him and his tv in the picture. Lastly, his tv will not be on the floor forever- we just got it last week and haven't found the perfect piece of furniture to sit it on. I just thought the picture was too cute not to share!

This is a picture of Jackson's huge smile! All he does is smile now- it melts my heart! Never did I think a little bald man would be the absolute love of my life(or at least the second)!

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