Monday, November 2, 2009

Thanks Jill!

My very dear friend Jill has been driving me crazy about how she tagged me on her blog to post a list of ten things about me that no one knows on my blog. Feel free to check out her blog- she is a blogging machine- she has themed days and you might even pick up a good recipe while you read! So here goes:

1)I don't really think I am that interesting of a person so I don't expect these ten things to make anyones jaws drop.
2)I wore braces for four years- yes, I was in the tenth grade before my dreaded braces were removed. I also thought it was very cool to get blue rubber bands and my retainer glowed in the dark. I promise it had to be cool back then.
3)In addition to number 2, I still have a permanent retainer. I think it was eventually supposed to fall out, but 11 years later it is still hanging in there.
4)I prefer to brush my teeth with hot water- I don't think this is strange at all, but Jason thinks it is beyond weird.
5)I hate wearing shoes-you could ask anyone at work and they would tell you that I rarely have my shoes on. Not very professional I know.
6)I won the speed walking award in the 5th grade. Big accomplishment I promise!
7)Growing up every step I made was accompanied by a cheer or dance move. We are talking cheering and dancing up and down the aisles of the grocery store. Anyone in my family will vouch for this.
8)My grandparents call me "yo-" now that I think about it I can't recall why they started calling me that. I never listened to rap music- my parents didn't really approve. I'm guessing it's because out of the three of us I was the most out there or at least the loudest. Actually- it makes no sense what so ever!
9)I am wonderful at picking things up with my toes- I promise I can pick anything up-even open doors. This talent has really come in handy now that my hands are always full.
10)Contrary to popular belief I did not live in Pope my whole life. I have always been termed the Pope girl, but I in fact was born in Jackson, lived in Clinton until I was six and a few other random places, including Decateur, Alabama before settling down in Pope when I was in the third grade.
11)I'm adding a number 11 because Jason said my number 1 makes no sense. Jason and I drove to Bowie, Texas to get our "miniature" beagle, Oscar. The kennel we got him from has since been raided and shut down due to them mistreating the animals. Never did I think I would not only have a Texas dog, but a Texas baby.

So there you have it Jill- I hope I have completed my assignment to your approval. I am new at this blogging thing so I don't really know many other people with blogs so I can only tag two people to continue the task- Grace and Ellen. Have fun!

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